Public Education

Terrebonne Parish Communications District (aka Terrebonne Parish 911) continuously strives to provide Public Education on the use of the Terrebonne Parish 911 and emergency reporting system.

For the younger audiences, Terrebonne Mascots ANI and ALI Alligators entertain while educating children on how Automatic Number Identification and Automatic Number Identification work in conjunction with their knowledge of where they are located and the importance of knowing the address of the location where they are at the time of any emergency. Learning and remembering street names, landmarks, addresses of family members often visited and phone numbers. These educational visits also include information on how our Parish’s law Enforcement, EMS and Fire Service operates together so they only need to remember one number for help when seconds count – 9-1-1.

In addition to our public education endeavors, the Terrebonne Parish Communications District (Terrebonne Parish 911) strive to the best of our ability to provide “safety sessions” for businesses located within Terrebonne Parish. These educational courses are streamlined for the adult learner and focus on the key elements of “how Terrebonne Parish 911 works”, “what emergency services encompasses”, “how one-call activates all responders”, and identifies what information is needed to prepare the caller to expedite response – Location/Call-back number/Name/Nature of call.

For more information regarding Terrebonne Parish Communications District (Terrebonne Parish 911) Public Education, please send a formal request on letterhead with contact information, name, call-back number, name of agency or company, and date and time of request to:


Please ensure your request is, at a minimum, 30 calendar days or more from the date of your request. A 911 Professional will contact you regarding your request for in-person public education.